Jo Nesbo

The Thirst

""Jo Nesbo writes a powerful story." "


Harry Hole is a reformed character. He has stopped the excessive drinking and is happily ensconced with Rakel and enjoying it. Rakel's son, Oleg is studying to join the police and has emerged from some difficult times. Harry, as a respected and experienced police officer, is lecturing at the police college. All is calm… but not for long.

Harry's expertise is called on by the powers that be to solve the macabre murder of a young Norwegian woman. International pressure demands quick results. Harry is reluctant to agree but is persuaded by the echoes of a murderer whom he was unable to catch. If this is the same man he must be caught and put away. It is personal. The murderer uses the dating site, Tinder to find his victims and as the death toll grows Harry is on his trail.

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Jo Nesbo writes a powerful story. Harry Hole is a brilliant character. The action is fast, furious and not a little bloody. Attitudes, lifestyles and modern technology are all bang up to date. Put all these things together with the ingenious plotting and you have the reason why Nesbo's books are so popular. What more can I say? This latest book is in the excellent tradition of the previous ones and will be just as popular. There is an exciting unmasking of the criminal mind behind the murders before all is resolved. A little taster of what might be to come rounds off the story nicely. An excellent read.

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