Pater Temple

Dead Point

""Jack Irish, a detective now firmly ensconced in our hearts, truly excels in this latest excellent thriller. " "


Jack Irish, Melbourne's irascible lawyer and detective is commissioned to find Robbie Colburne, an itinerant barman, who has disappeared. With other worries in his personal and professional life, Jack pays scant attention to his missing person's inquiry until the barman turns up dead of an apparent overdose.

Determined to get to the bottom of the case, Jack investigates Robbie's past and his links with the powerful Milan Filipovic. Robbie, it seems, had a sideline in blackmail, with a prominent judge his latest victim. But. perhaps more mystifying, Robbie's past has been deliberately concealed for reasons Jack Irish intends to discover. His investigations, as usual, lead into murder, extortion and the heart of Australia's underworld.

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Jack Irish, a detective now firmly ensconced in our hearts, truly excels in this latest excellent thriller. All of the usual elements are here – Jack's disastrous love life, his flirtation with danger and his tenacity in uncovering the culpable. The plot is also classic Peter Temple, consisting of fragmented scenes with the action moving around Melbourne and many of Jack Irish's usual acquaintances. My only concern would be how accessible this book would be to those new to the Jack Irish series. Many of the characters appear without introduction and are familiar only to those who have read previous Jack Irish novels. But it is this continuity that Peter Temple fans so love. I am sure that Dead Point will be just as well received as his previous best-selling books.

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