"Fans of Lee Child, Tom Wood, and Vince Flynn will love the Ryan Drake series.""
Washington, DC. Former soldier and elite CIA operative Ryan Drake is heading out for dinner when he witnesses a sniper attack on the freeway.
A motorcade full of Russian Federal Security Force members - in Washington, DC for a conference on greater co-operation with their US counterparts - has been ambushed. Many have been killed, and the CIA suspect the leader of the strike team is Anya - the woman Drake once risked everything for.
Drake cannot believe her capable of such an atrocity, but with the Russians baying for blood, Drake and his depleted team head for Siberia to discover the truth.
And here he is forced to confront the terrifying possibility that Anya's betrayal could be greater and deadlier than he could ever have imagined.
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The third novel to feature Ryan Drake begins with a raw and heart-breaking prologue, written in stark emotion and attention to detail that it deserves five spyglasses on its own. This novel is an epic story crossing continents where the action travels at breakneck speed and doesn't let up for a second. 'Betrayal' is a story of crosses, double-crosses and triple-crosses. In a world of spies and counter terrorism it is very difficult to know who you can trust, and while our hero, Ryan Drake, is a typical masculine everyman (think Jason Bourne and Jack Bauer), the rest of the key players need to be given close attention. Will Jordan's prose crackles with electrifying tension as he leads his characters, and indeed his readers, on a mission doomed from the start. You'll be sympathising with a character on one page yet loathing him on the next; such is the expertly tight narrative that is rapidly becoming Jordan's trademark. Towards the end of the novel I was starting to tire of Anya (how much torment can one character suffer?) and her constantly cheating death. However, in the flashbacks, she is fully fleshed out as her dark and disturbing past is subtly revealed. Fans of Lee Child, Tom Wood, and Vince Flynn will love the Ryan Drake series. Will Jordan has created a terrifically flawed protagonist.