"...keeps the pace going from strength to strength."
Danny Shanklin is the world's most wanted man.
Hunted by nine international intelligence agencies for a terrorist atrocity he did not commit, he's now trapped in a deadly race against the clock to protect his life, his family, and the world from the people responsible - people intent on true destruction. Though they framed him, these terrorists are really after a much bigger target: six lethal smallpox formulations, any one of which could trigger a global pandemic, leaving only one in three people alive.
With the help of a Ukrainian mercenary and a ruthless female assassin, Danny soon finds himself forced into the roles of both predator and prey as he tries desperately to win the fight of his life.
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Whilst generally not a fan of books that retain the same characters and plots as they tend to stretch the realms of probability, 'Wanted' has proven that sometimes this can work. Danny Shanklin returns to try and clear his name as a murderer and terrorist. The only way he can do this is to track down those who are responsible. Living undercover and trying to keep his daughter safe, Shanklin relies on his survival instinct and training to keep one step ahead of those not only he is trying to find, but who are also trying to find him. Shankin is a great main character - he has a good side keeping him from being a cold-blooded killer, but a keen sense of survival means he is willing to break the law and kill those that threaten him. The plot takes Shanklin across the world and introduces a number of other characters. Whilst sometimes a large number of characters and names can confuse and results with the plot becoming diluted, Rees manages to keep on track and gives each character a reason for their existence. Each page holds its own story and keeps the pace going from strength to strength. And just when you think it's all over, there is another twist. My only criticism? The book is left on a cliff hanger meaning I will have to wait to see how Shanklin gets himself out of the next problem he finds himself in! Please hurry Mr. Rees as this particular reader needs another fix of Danny Shanklin!