"… comparisons with Henning Mankell are inevitable. However, this book, the first by Mari Jungstedt, definitely holds its own."
When a woman and her dog are found murdered on the island of Gotland, her boyfriend - with whom she has just had a violent argument - naturally comes under suspicion. However, after a second young woman is murdered in a killing that closely resembles the first, police are forced to consider the possibility that a serial killer is at large who may be out to seek revenge for past humiliations.
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There is now much new detective fiction coming out of Scandinavia and for these novels, particularly set those set in Sweden, comparisons with Henning Mankell are inevitable. However, this book, the first by Mari Jungstedt, definitely holds its own. The story is strong and there is an interesting sub-plot in relation to the work of a journalist on a national newspaper who falls for one of the friends of the victims. The setting of Gotland is fascinating and Jungstedt paints an evocative picture of this small island. A good first novel.