The Common Lawyer
"..a book that will appeal to all Gimenez -and legal thriller - fans."
Andy Prescott is the most laid-back young lawyer in Austin, Texas. Specialising in traffic law, he operates from a small room above a ramshackle tattoo parlour. He rides a trail bike and spends way too much time drinking beer in the sunshine. Ambition has never been Andy's strong point - he prefers to take it easy.
That is, until one of Texas's wealthiest men walks into his office. On the spot, billionaire Russell Reeves retains Andy as his lawyer and, in exchange for some easy legal work, pays him more money than he has ever earned before. Andy's life is transformed.
But nothing comes for free. Russell is a desperate man whose sole aim is to save his sick seven-year-old son, Zach. He is prepared to do anything - even if it means putting Andy's life in danger
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The Common Lawyer didn't really get going until some pages in, with Gimenez building the characters and the scene for the main storyline - good guy gets drawn into a bad situation, with the reader left to wonder if money or morals will win the day. In a novel reminiscent of Grisham, the main character is the usual 'nice guy' who has good friends to help him out, a family who is close to him and a battle between right and wrong, whilst trying to save himself from the 'bad guys'. As usual with Gimenez, The Common Lawyer doesn't have a predictable ending, but since loving his debut novel, The Colour of Law, I have found his more recent novels, whilst still enjoyable and immensely readable, to be lacking the edge contained in this first book. This is still a book that will appeal to all Gimenez -and legal thriller - fans. I didn't feel disappointed with the story, just disappointed that the excitement and mystery of the first book does not seem to be able to replicated...