Martin Walker

The Coldest Case

""I love these books.""


Bruno, Chief of Police in the Dordogne area of France, is spending an enjoyable time in the pre-history museum of Les Eyzies, examining the many artefacts and stories of the people inhabiting that area of France. Expertise has managed to reconstruct the skulls of some of those people to give a stunning image of how they would appear. The impact of those heads leads Bruno to consider whether this amazing development could help his boss, J-J, discover the identity of the person whose skull he has been holding on to for years, the victim of an unsolved crime that has haunted him.

Modern policing methods and a stroke of coincidence lead to the victim being identified but what happened to him and who was responsible takes a little longer. Bruno's local knowledge and wider contacts prove invaluable.

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Another opportunity to indulge in the comfortable and delightful lifestyle that is Bruno's civilian life is greatly appreciated at this time when any chance of experiencing it for yourself is a distant possibility. I don't know which I enjoy more: the clever engaging story line as Bruno uses his multiple talents and useful contacts to track down the murderer, or the panoply of culinary delights that runs through the whole book. Many charming and idiosyncratic characters are part of the background tapestry and each story has a few more to engage our minds. I love these books. They are pure escapism, but none the worse for that. An excellent series.

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