James Patterson

Private Moscow

""It may be cold in Russia, but you’ll be sweating buckets with excitement." "


An invitation from an old friend draws Jack Morgan into a deadly conspiracy.

On a cold January morning, Jack Morgan stands inside the New York Stock Exchange with his former US Marine comrade whose company is being launched onto the market, eagerly awaiting the opening bell. But before the bell rings, a bullet rips through the air and finds its mark. In the aftermath of the murder, the victim's wife hires Jack to find the killer. As the head of Private, Jack has at his disposal the world's largest investigation agency. What he discovers shakes him to his core.

Jack identifies another murder in Moscow that appears to be linked. So he heads to Russia, and begins to uncover a conspiracy that could have global consequences. With powerful forces plotting against him, will Jack Morgan make it out alive?

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'Private Moscow' is a breath-taking rollercoaster of a book. I can tell you now that Adam Hamdy fits hand in glove with Patterson. Hamdy really understands the way Patterson's books feel, and it definitely shows and in fact, if anything, Hamdy has made it even better. Well, he has certainly made it more explosive! I can tell you now, once you crack open 'Private Moscow' you will need to hold on to your ushanka hat (fyi: the furry Russian hat), as this is one ride that will take you up, down, sideways, with the odd corkscrew thrown in for good measure. I don't know about poor Jack Morgan and his Private Moscow associates, but I was exhausted with all the running, jumping and fighting Jack and his colleagues went through in just under 450 pages! It may be cold in Russia, but you'll be sweating buckets with excitement. When Patterson gets it right, it is astounding and with Hamdy in the driving seat, Patterson has found a kindred spirit. Hamdy was channelling Patterson. This is one of those thrillers that you let all expectations go and simply enjoy the ride. I loved it and hope Hamdy is put in the driving seat again with Patterson. They make a great team.

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