Motor Mouth
"Everything you always wanted to know about righteous indignation, stealing an eight wheeler, stashing a dead body and sex in the fast lane."
It's the last race of the season: The wheels are smoking and the temperature is rising at Homestead-Miami Speedway. Alexandra 'Barney' Barnaby is NASCAR driver Sam Hooker's race day spotter, his 'eye in the sky', telling Hooker when to pass and when to get off the gas.
But, from her vantage point high above the grandstand, she's also seeing things going on in the field that will change her life. Things that will lead to a stolen race car hauler, a kidnapped Saint Bernard, a bizarre murder, some restless nights under the covers with Hooker, a reunion with super cigar roller Rosa Florez and the queen of wholesale fruit Felicia Ibarra.
From Miami, Florida to Concord, North Carolina and back to Miami, this is an action packed multi-car crash of shady dealings, stolen technology, drives through windows and destruction of personal property. Everything you always wanted to know about righteous indignation, stealing an eight wheeler, stashing a dead body and sex in the fast lane.
Purchase the book from Amazon.

Barney is very similar to Stephanie Plum. A slightly inept, but very likeable lead character who continually finds herself in humorous and improbable situations. Not only does Barney find herself in continual danger, but those around her seem to as well. Fortunately, as with all of Evanovich's heroines, the bad guys seem to be even more incompetent than they do. Evanovich has the perhaps unique talent of being able to write seemingly implausible plots which are packed with characters who all have realistic traits that make them larger than life. The storylines and dialogue are always humorous, and never fail to make me smile or laugh. Evanovich has developed a great skill for comedy crime writing. Whilst I am still rather biased towards the Plum novels, I still thoroughly enjoyed Motor Mouth and would happily read other books in this series, simply because they are written by Evanovich.