Lisa Gardner

Look For Me

"Gardner has for many years been one of my favourite authors."


Detective DD Warren and Flora Dane are in a race against time to save a young girl's life - or bring her to justice.

A family home has become a crime scene. Five people are involved: four of them have been savagely murdered; one - a sixteen-year-old girl - is missing.

Was she lucky to have escaped? Or is her absence evidence of something sinister?

Detective D. D. Warren is on the case, as is survivor-turned-avenger Flora Dane.

Seeking different types of justice, they must make sense of the clues left behind by a young woman who, as victim or suspect, is silently pleading, Look for me.

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Gardner has for many years been one of my favourite authors. I always know I'm going to get a well written book, with great characters and an unexpected ending. DD Warren is one of the author's characters that I like. But Gardner seems to have taken a liking to a character, Flora Dane, in her previous novel, 'Find Her' and has brought her into 'Look for Me'. Flora is a character I just don't like. I can't empathise or warm to her, meaning I enjoyed this book slightly less than usual. DD is looking for a killer of a family where four members have been murdered. Only the teenage daughter survives. And whilst the police are looking for her as the suspected killer, the author goes back in time to explain how the family got to where they are now. Some parts of the story are hard to read knowing that for many children life isn't good; victims of a broken system. Gardner manages to capture the emotion of the story without detracting from the plot. Often at the end of a book I rejoice because a killer has been caught, or looking forward to the next book in the sequel if they survive. This book gave me little enjoyment from the killer being revealed as I felt there were many more victims, not just the ones who were shot at the start of the story. 'Look For Me' is a very powerful novel from this strong writer.

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