Leigh Russell

Journey to Death

""...I doubt very much you’ll put this one down until you’re done. " "


A deadly secret lurks in an island's history, buried deep but not forgotten. And it is about to come to light.

Lucy Hall arrives in the Seychelles determined to leave her worries behind. The tropical paradise looks sun-soaked and picture-perfect, but as Lucy soon discovers, appearances can be very deceptive.

As dark clouds begin to gather over what promised to be a relaxing family break, Lucy realises her father stands in the eye of the coming storm. A shadow from his past is threatening to destroy all he holds dear—including the lives of his loved ones. A dark truth is about to explode into their lives, and that truth is going to hit them right between the eyes.

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I've enjoyed the books of Leigh Russell for some time now, but must admit to picking up my copy of Journey to Death, with a certain amount of trepidation, not just because this was the first in a new series featuring protagonist Lucy Hall, but also because it was a distinct break away from her usual police procedural. I really need not have worried. Russell has delivered another cracking read. At the beginning of her holiday, Lucy is recovering from a broken engagement, and struggling to find her feet has travelled to The Seychelles with her parents to relax and recover. It seems idyllic, a charming hotel, beautiful beaches, and friendly staff make it appear the perfect place to recuperate, until tragedy strikes. In a fascinating tale, we see Lucy change from a nervous young woman who believes someone is trying to cause her harm, into one who is tough, determined and through tireless effort gets to the bottom of an age old mystery, as well as exposing the current threat to her family. Set against the beautifully depicted landscape and culture of these tropical islands, and with a suitably despicable plot afoot, Lucy is a brilliant new character and I doubt very much you'll put this one down until you're done. I certainly couldn't.

Reviewed By:

Chris Simmons