Will Carver

Girl 4

"I believe we will be hearing a lot more from Mr. Carver."


Detective Inspector January David has always put his professional before his private life, but the two worlds are about to clash horrifically as he visits his latest crime scene. He is confronted by a lifeless figure suspended ten feet above a theatre stage, blood pouring from her face into a coffin below.

This gruesome execution is the work of an elusive serial killer. Three women from three different London suburbs, each murdered with elaborate and chilling precision.

As January stares at the most beautiful corpse he's ever seen, he detects the killer's hallmark. But Girl 4 is different: she is alive - barely.

And January recognises her.

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'Girl 4' starts off slightly hard to follow as all the characters write in the first person and often skip from past to present tense, but this is a minor criticism of an otherwise great read. And whilst to begin with I found this slightly off putting, after a while I actually enjoyed seeing each scene from the perspective of both the victim and the perpetrator. There are parts here that are slightly confusing and I did feel at the end of the book there were many questions left unanswered but I am hoping these will be dealt with in future novels and that D.I. January David will return as he is an interesting character who offers something different to the usual run-of-the-mill detective. D.I. David is a character who is more than he appears to be and there is quite a nice twist at the end with one of the other main players in the book. But although the twist is unexpected, there were no reasons as to why, which left it slightly flat for me. For me, there were far too many unanswered questions. However, I do feel that this writer will go from strength to strength and I believe we will be hearing a lot more from Mr. Carver.

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