Fear The Worst
"..probably his best yet.."
Car salesman Tim Blake returns home from work to find his 17year old daughter, Sydney, has not come back from her job at the Just Inn Time hotel. Naturally, he assumes that she is meeting friends and has not told him because of a breakfast time spat.
However, the longer she is out and not answering her mobile the more he starts to worry. Eventually, when he goes to her place of work to try and find her, the staff he meets with deny all knowledge of her and claim she has never worked there. Panic starts to set in as he desperately tries to find his missing daughter
After spending days frantically searching for her Blake and his ex-wife, Susanne have to face the truth that she may have ran away of her own accord as she cannot be found. Blake and his wife do not give up the search and Blake's investigations lead him into areas of his own and his daughter's life that he does not want to think about. As leads develop he comes up against a mysterious group who are also hunting his daughter...
Now it is a race to who can find her first, will it be her family, the police or the violent group who are pursuing her?
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Linwood Barclay's latest book is probably his best yet as he deals with what will be a sensitive issue for many in a very accomplished story. The fallout of Syd's disappearance and the effect it has on Blake, Syd's best friend Patty, Blake's his ex-wife and her new partner are portrayed with terrific aplomb by a highly skilled author. Blake's anguish at their loss is excellently depicted along with his anger at people whose lies hinder his quest for the missing daughter. Blake is a wonderful creation who does not seek violence or harm and is happy plodding along with his life until he is forced to look for Syd. This sees a transformation in him that would please any reasonable guy. One of the standout things about the book was the way that Barclay made a used car salesman likeable despite giving away a few tricks of the trade. What will his next lead character do for a living? Will they be a traffic warden, VAT inspector or an estate agent? Linwood Barclay has the literary skill to make them fun characters. The tale writhes and turns as various leads on Syd are explored and discarded along the way as Sydney's life is delved into by her despairing parents. Events darken as the reader is led into a climactic finish which astounded me... and I can usually work out what will happen. Barclay must now be considered a heavyweight among crime writers and if you are a Harlan Coben fan then you will surely enjoy Linwood Barclay.