Julia Crouch

Every Vow You Break

"Every Vow You Break’ is a real page turner..."


The Wayland family - Lara and Marcus and their three children - leave England to spend a long, hot summer in Trout Island, Upstate New York. Lara, still reeling from an abortion that Marcus insisted on, hopes the summer away from home will give her time to learn to love her husband again. A chance meeting at a party reacquaints the family with Marcus's old actor friend, Stephen, with whom Lara once had an affair. Lara feels herself drawn towards Stephen and they pick up their secret relationship where they left off. Lara knows she's playing a dangerous game; what she doesn't know is that it's also a deadly one.

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Every Vow You Break' is an enjoyable thriller from Crouch although, as with her previous novel, 'Cuckoo', the main female characters were again lacking in spirit and independence, with the male characters lacking any warmth and charm leaving this reader feeling rather distanced from the whole cast. There was a particularly strange relationship between the twins, Olly and Bella that was never really fully explored or finalised which I found disappointing and almost superfluous to the main plot. However, these are a few criticisms of the book as on the whole I did enjoy 'Every Vow You Break'. I feel I would find Crouch's books more palatable if the female lead characters were not so gullible and weak, which seems to be a common characteristic for the women in this author's books. Despite my little niggles, what Crouch does well is in creating despicable people who feel they can do whatever they please. 'Every Vow You Break' is a real page turner and will keep you interested, if only to see if the (mainly) vile characters get their comeuppance.

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