Alan Glynn


"Bloodland’ has quality written all over it."


A private security contractor loses it in the Congo, with deadly consequences, while in Ireland the ex-prime minister struggles to write his memoir. A tabloid star is killed in a helicopter crash and three years later a young journalist is warned off the story. As a news story breaks in Paris, a US senator prepares his campaign to run for office. What links these things and who controls what we know? Jimmy Gilroy, a journalist on his uppers thanks to the economic meltdown in Ireland, wins an assignment to write a biography of the recently deceased young Irish celebrity Susie Monaghan. He grabs at the opportunity like a starving man and quickly realises that he is only dipping his toes into a situation that has worldwide complications. He is warned off the case, but digs in and ultimately puts his own life on the line to uncover the truth.

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'Bloodland' has quality written all over it. This is a thriller of our times – with a location list to rival a Bond movie, the action moves at a ferocious pace from Dublin to New York to West Africa and involves the ordinary man on the street as well as the privileged in their gilded offices. Prepare to have your conscience tweaked as the author gives an indication of how the 21st century is unravelling. Glynn cleverly works a number of current issues into his plot and without causing a dip in the pace he highlights such concerns as corruption in big business, China's greed for raw material, ex-military personnel ignored by the nations they risked their lives for, the role of hidden men in politics, and the rapacious hunger for immediate, 24 hour-a-day news. This is a cracking read: credible top level entertainment that engages the heart, the imagination and the intellect. Don't miss it.

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