Blood Born
"Clever stuff."
Two sisters were attacked in their own home.
Only one of them survived. And now she must revisit hell if justice is to be served.
Forensic pathologist, Dr. Anya Crichton, is incensed over the brutal crime and she will do everything in her power to see that the three men responsible are punished severely. But the suspects, the Harbourn brothers, are part of a fanatically devoted family of criminals who are expert at sidestepping the law. And suddenly, people connected with the investigation and prosecution are turning up dead.
In the face of an impending legal travesty Anya cannot let fear distract her. But it may be harder to remain calm in light of the nightmare the Harbourns' attorney unearths beneath the floorboards of his own house.
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Dr Anya Crichton, forensic pathologist, is trying to stop a brutal family raping and killing any more girls. The Harbourds are a family who have no fear of the law - and their crimes prove this. I found the emotions of the victims to be very realistic and the majority of the characters to be both interesting and believable with the exception of one stereotypical lawyer. And it is Crichton that I struggle to connect with. She seems to be too 'nice' and lacking in any spirit. Sadly, she leaves me cold. I would much prefer this character if she was a little more maverick. The plot in Blood Born is well though out and what I enjoyed is the fact that all sub-plots running through the book were in some way linked to the main story. Clever stuff. I do feel this book has lost some of the impetus of former novels but it is nonetheless an easy and enjoyable read.