Behind Closed Doors
""Every page I read left me wanting to read the next one." "
Everyone knows a couple like Jack and Grace. He has looks and wealth, she has charm and elegance. You might not want to like them, but you do. You'd like to get to know Grace better, but it's difficult, because you realise Jack and Grace are never apart. Some might call this true love. Others might ask why Grace never answers the phone or how she can never meet for coffee, even though she doesn't work. How she can cook such elaborate meals but remain so slim? And why are there bars on one of the bedroom windows?
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Grace and Jack Angel appear to have a perfect life. He is a successful lawyer, and she spends her time looking after her loving husband and home. Grace has no other close family apart from her sister, Millie, who lives at a boarding school. Millie has Downs Syndrome and both sisters are devoted to each other, so much so that when Millie leaves school, she will be coming to live with Grace - something that Jack fully supports. But as the plot progresses, all is not as perfect as it first seems. Grace will often cancel any social events she is invited to, or Jack will be with her. One person in their social circle seems to be very interested in Jack and Grace's life - but her interest could be a blessing or a curse. 'Behind Closed Doors' is exceptionally well written and I was taken in from page one. Every page I read left me wanting to read the next one. However, at times I felt myself wanting to shake Grace for accepting her lot. Whilst the author tried to explain Grace's acceptance, I felt that it wasn't robust enough to be believable. Also the motive didn't quite have a ring of truth to it, making it feel hollow and unlikely. Despite these small criticisms, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and it comes highly recommended. The ending could have gone either way, but you will have to read it yourself to find out if good or evil gets the upper hand.