Patricia Cornwell

At Risk

"This book is a great series opener. "


Winston Garano has been called back from Tennessee to head a new team called 'At Risk' by his hard faced boss, D.A. Monique Lamont. This new initiative will use the latest in DNA technology to solve cold crime cases. The first case Win looks into is the murder of an old woman called Vivian Finlay who was killed in her house in Tennessee.

The same night Garano is told of his new position, a tragic incident happens at Monique's house. No longer is Garano simply heading an old case, but he is caught up in the machinations of certain high-powered individuals whose sole interest is to progress their own careers, no matter who gets in the way. Soon, the twenty-year murder of an old woman is the least of Garano's problems.

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Cornwell introduces us to a new cast of characters in this short 181 page novel. As with all Cornwell novels, the action gets started more or less straight away and you end up flying through the rest of the chapters. For me, the gem of the novel has to be Special Agent Delma Sykes who more or less deals with the murder case whilst Garano is running around after his boss. Another great newcomer is Garano's psychic Nan who is a class act. This time there aren't the typical gruesome autopsy details which pepper Cornwell's novels, but that doesn't mean to say Ms. Cornwell has been lax and hasn't done her homework. There is certainly enough information thrown at you to keep you on your toes. This book is a great series opener. I sincerely hope At Risk is a taster of things to come and trust that this set of characters will become a regular fixture.

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