Peter Robinson

Abattoir Blues

"I recommend you leave yourself a good stretch of time to immerse yourself..."


DCI Banks has been away for a long weekend with his girlfriend. When he returns everything seems quiet - only a missing tractor, a mysterious bloodstain and two young men who haven't returned home. But a dramatic crash in a snowstorm accelerates the action as amongst the remains of dead cattle destined for destruction is the dismembered body of one of the missing lads: a horrific scene that leads to the linking of the three crimes. Slowly careful police work brings the team to the realisation that there are major crime forces involved with a lot of money at stake. As the team get nearer to the truth they find themselves in danger and DS Winsome Jackman has a very close encounter with death.

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A new book by Peter Robinson is one put on the 'pile to be read' at leisure and in comfort with the knowledge that you are in for a treat. This latest does not disappoint. DCI Banks and his team - for they all play their part - work together to solve the jigsaw of clues that is put before them. Very much up to date, as rural crime has become a significant and high value problem in recent years, this book covers the background of big money involvement in the hidden secrets of the countryside. As always the plot strands dovetail seamlessly into each other culminating in an exciting finale. Robinson's characters are a joy as they develop from book to book. There are the old favourites like Annie and Winsome but some new ones too. I recommend you leave yourself a good stretch of time to immerse yourself in this book!

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