A Taste for Vengeance
""Excitement there is aplenty here." "
Benoit Courreges, more commonly known as Bruno, has been promoted to Chief of Police for the whole Vezere valley in the Perigord region of France. His style of policing has always involved his intimate relationship with the people and countryside of his patch and his new responsibilities mean he has to adjust to a different set of inhabitants. More urgently, he also has to establish where the line of command lies. The eternal tension between different branches of law enforcement in France has to be resolved in his individual case.
His good friend Pamela is concerned that one of the students on her cookery course has failed to turn up and she asks Bruno to find out what he can. What he does find are two bodies, both with complicated histories that lead back to international cause celebres. There is also the strong possibility that others in the district may be at risk.
As always, the culinary delights of South West France entice the taste buds. Who can resist the descriptions of the mouth-watering dishes that Bruno and his friends prepare and consume.
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This is just the book to relax with on holiday, preferably in the South West of France where you can investigate the delicious food and wine that Bruno finds so delicious. Bruno is a delightful character: generous, warm hearted, extremely efficient, brave and eminently sensible. It is good to have a hero who can be admired and trusted to do the right thing. Even his mistakes are very human and understandable. Surrounded by a cast of fascinating friends, colleagues and fellow residents of the area, Bruno tracks down the killers using his policing skills and, always, the many skills of those around him. Excitement there is aplenty here.