The Last Minute

""This is a great read from an author who never fails to surprise." "


They framed me. They abducted my wife. They took my child. I want him back. Sam Capra has one reason to live: to reclaim his baby son from the people who kidnapped him.

Now they have offered him a deadly deal; they'll surrender Sam's child... If Sam agrees to commit a spectacular murder. Teaming up with a young mother whose daughter went missing, he tracks his child across the country in a dangerous, desperate race against time.

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The Last Minute' is Abbott's sequel to Adreneline and in my opinion is far superior. The pace is as fast but many unanswered questions from the previous novel and lots of lose ends have been tied off, leaving the reader feeling more satisfied. Capra is a great lead character. He is for the most part an ordinary man trying to get back control of his life and child, but also there is a reason and explanation for the skills that he has and the people/contacts he knows (his former job within the CIA) making his ability to outrun the 'bad guys' just a little more believable. Capra's relationships with those people before he went on the run are always questioned as to whether he will be betrayed. This leaves the reader wondering who can be trusted. In the prequel the group the Nine Suns was never fully explained, nor was Capra's partner Mila's reasons for her involvement with the Round Table explained. However, in Last Minute, Abbott gives plenty of background on both of the groups and Mila giving more depth and strength to the characters and brings the plot to life. There is a great twist to the end of the book and in a way I was slightly disappointed that Abbott seemed to take the soft option for an ending but am hoping this is maybe to lay the foundations for a further novel? I would certainly like to see Capra return, so maybe the ending is not as cut and dried as the author would like us to believe. This is a great read from an author who never fails to surprise.

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