Graham Smith

11 The Hard Way

"11 The Hard Way’ is a marvellous and eclectic mix"


11 The Hard Way is an e-book containing eleven crime short stories by new writer Graham Smith. The settings are eclectic, ranging from small town Scotland to the US Presidential office. You see crime within the home, outside on the streets and at high policy level.

What links these stories is that crime and mayhem abounds in these vignettes of modern life, embracing age-old themes such as betrayal, retribution and political intrigue.

Purchase the book from Amazon.


I'm a big fan of crime short stories and always get excited when a new writer appears. The e-publishing world has expanded over the last couple of years and seems particularly suited to short stories which can be picked up and put down at leisure. '11 The Hard Way' gives eleven slices of modern crime and draws you into the narrative particularly from the victim's point of view. Graham Smith has used the book to show his range of writing styles, featuring stories written in the first and third person. A couple of the stories ('There Goes the Bride' and 'Under the Cover of the Streets') feature policemen and are interesting whodunnits. Others ('Shooting Stars' and 'Adult Education') are more thrillers with a macabre and wry feel to the writing. I liked the stories that take place within the home. These can be the most uncomfortable to read, when fear enters the comfort of your own abode and these stories I thought worked particularly well. '11 The Hard Way' is a marvellous and eclectic mix and one that gives us a taste of things to come as this new author branches out in his chosen genre. An assured debut of stories and I am convinced we will see more from Graham Smith as he develops his talent even further.

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