Mari Jungstedt
Born in 1962, Mari Jungstedt is the author of the beloved, bestselling crime series featuring police detective Anders Knutas. Since the 2003 release of Unseen (Den du inte ser), the first novel in the series, she has been recognized as part of the elite group of Swedish crime writers. Praised for her intelligent plots, fast pace and excruciating suspense all set on the exotic island Gotland, her books have already sold more than 2.2 million copies in Sweden alone and three million copies worldwide. They have been translated into more than fifteen languages and adapted into German television shows with over five million viewers per episode. Mari Jungstedt has two children and lives in Stockholm. She often spends her summers in Gotland. While working for many years as a news anchor at Sweden's largest broadcasting station, Mari harbored a secret dream of writing novels. As soon as she took the time to write, it was like opening a box of unwritten stories. With the beautiful yet dramatic landscape of Gotland serving as a setting, Mari Jungstedt successfully crafts macabre acts of violent crime against an innocent environment. She creates a successful first-rate drama with focus on relationship problems, and she sketches a picture of the frail human condition, mirrored in the island.
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