Gordon Ferris

Thanks for taking a look at me and my books. My latest is ONLY HUMAN, set in modern India. The denouement to my story shines through in the 2019 Oscar winning short documentary ‘Period. End of Sentence’. My overall contention is that even bankers have hearts. Just ask Parvati, a young Indian woman badly in need of a hero. Parvati's harrowing adventures illustrate the conflicts at the heart of the biggest democracy in the World. India has limitless potential but is held back by the caste system, misogyny, child slavery and corruption. Married at 13, Parvati is beaten and abandoned by a husband who sells their own son into bondage to pay his debts. Throughout her torments, her spirit is never broken. Parvati still dreams. But how can any dreams come true against such odds? ONLY HUMAN is the sequel to the highly regarded MONEY TREE. Both are contemporary thrillers - set mainly in India, but with global resonance. It also includes a bonus short story - STAYING HUMAN. ONLY HUMAN and MONEY TREE mark a real departure from the critically acclaimed 'Douglas Brodie' quartet set in post War Glasgow. The Brodie books have topped the Amazon kindle bestseller charts. Each story stands alone but the chronology is: HANGING SHED, BITTER WATER, PILGRIM SOUL and GALLOWGLASS. Before Brodie, came the Danny McRae series: TRUTH DARE KILL and UNQUIET HEART. Both books hit Amazon #1. I'm always happy to hear from my readers - criticism or accolades. Please feel free to drop me an email at: info@gordonferris.com or visit my web site: www.gordonferris.com. Best wishes and good reading! Gordon

Other Books By This Author

  • Money Tree

  • Truth Dare Kill


Comming Soon

Comming Soon

Comming Soon

Comming Soon

Comming Soon