David Jackson

David Jackson is the acclaimed author of the crime thriller series featuring New York detective Callum Doyle. Pariah, his debut novel, was Highly Commended in the Crime Writers Association Debut Dagger Awards. It is published in the UK by Pan Macmillan, and various audio and foreign rights have been sold. Follow-up novels in the series are: The Helper, Marked, and Cry Baby. The Guardian newspaper said of David’s writing: ‘Recalls Harlan Coben – though for my money Jackson is the better writer.’ More information about David and his novels can be found on his website at www.davidjacksonbooks.com, where he can also be contacted. He goes under the name @Author_Dave on Twitter.

Other Books By This Author

  • Don’t Make a Sound

  • The Helper

  • Pariah


Comming Soon

Comming Soon

Comming Soon

Comming Soon

Comming Soon