Patricia Gibney
Patricia lives in the midlands of Ireland. She is an avid crime reader so naturally she found herself writing in the crime genre. A life changing experience in 2009, with the death of her 49 year old husband, meant she had to give up her career, and over the following few years, she rekindled her love of art and writing. Initially Patricia wrote and illustrated a children's book, but her real ambition was to write a novel. And she did! In January 2016, she joined with Ger Nichol of The Book Bureau Literary Agency. In July 2016, Patricia signed with Bookouture for four DI Lottie Parker crime novels. The Missing Ones (Book 1) published in March 2017 and to date has reached a high of number 2 in Amazon UK Kindle charts and number 6 in the US. It also achieved number 1 in all its categories. It is a bestseller in UK, US, Canada and Australia. Book 2 in the series, The Stolen Girls, published on July 6th, 2017. Book 3 in the series, The Lost Child, publishes on October 27th 2017
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